The thoracic region of the spine is defined as the area between the base of the neck, and the mid-part area of the abdomen. It consists of 12 vertebral bones, with each one sandwiching a doughnut-shaped, shock-absorbing spinal disc. The thoracic region comprises the longest portion of the spine and is the only part of the spine that attaches to the rib cage.
Thoracic spine is used so much in daily life, it is prone to strain and injury for many reasons, from improper posture to compression fracture. Some injuries can put pressure on the spinal nerves, creating even stronger pain and other symptoms. Some causes of recurring back pain include:
Thoracic spinal cord injury symptoms depend on the type of nerve damage. Spinal pain can radiate into arms, legs or around the rib cage from back toward the anterior chest. The following may be associated with thoracic spine nerve damage
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