Uneven shoulders occur when one shoulder is higher than the other. This can be a slight or significant difference and may be due to several causes.
Muscle balance is the relationship between the tone or strength and length of the muscles around a joint. A muscle imbalance occurs when this relationship is altered. In the shoulder, the muscles on the front of the shoulder and chest often become stronger and shortened in relation to the muscles on the back of the shoulder.
If you have uneven shoulders you may experience neck, shoulder, and lower back pain, especially if you have other imbalances in the body. You may feel tightness and pulling in the shoulder that’s higher. Your shoulders may be rounded and your head may not be in line with your pelvis.
Headaches, bursitis, and tendonitis may also occur. If your shoulders are uneven due to scoliosis, you may have an uneven waist and one shoulder blade that’s more prominent than the other. One hip may also be higher than the other.
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